
Dental Health After Brain Injury

Dental Health After Brain Injury

Source: Daniel Frank/Pexels Medicine and dentistry too often ignore each other. This schism doesn’t serve anyone well, but those with brain injury tend to suffer more harm to their teeth. And since mouth health affects body health, brain injury-caused increased tooth decay may harm in the reverse, too. Although some medical sites acknowledge head trauma […]

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4 post-pandemic dental industry trends: Here to stay?

4 post-pandemic dental industry trends: Here to stay?

On May 11, 2023, the public health emergency declaration concerning the COVID-19 virus ended, signifying progress in our recovery from the pandemic. But for many businesses, including the dental industry, its effects will be felt well into the future. Since the pandemic began, dental practices have faced numerous challenges, including new safety protocols, PPE equipment

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Dental health can affect your brain and is linked to dementia, Alzheimer’s

Dental health can affect your brain and is linked to dementia, Alzheimer’s

Comment on this storyComment Add to your saved stories Save Poor oral hygiene is associated with an increased risk for myriad health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and early death. The state of our teeth and gums, though, may be vital for our well-being beyond the mouth and body. Emerging evidence suggests

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‘VHI will only cover half of my dental treatment. Should I go to Poland?’

‘VHI will only cover half of my dental treatment. Should I go to Poland?’

I have a friend from Poland who recommended I see her dentist in Krakow, where the same treatment would only cost €700. She says that I could stay with her family. Is there any reason I shouldn’t do this? Claire, Co Dublin A It’s vital to weigh up the pros and cons for both of

‘VHI will only cover half of my dental treatment. Should I go to Poland?’ Read More »

Why dental insurance is so different from health insurance

Why dental insurance is so different from health insurance

The thing about dental insurance is that it isn’t really insurance — it’s more like a half-helpful discount plan with a maximum. And once you reach the maximum, you’re on your own, often to the tune of hundreds and thousands of dollars. As though going to the dentist needed to be less fun. In the

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Worth fighting for: The critical role dental hygienists in the US have in patient care delivery

Worth fighting for: The critical role dental hygienists in the US have in patient care delivery

Editor’s note: The author and contributors to this article share a unique journey: they are all licensed dental hygienists in the US but were foreign-trained dentists who once practiced dentistry outside the US. Dental care delivery varies in many other countries, especially in their use of hygienists. Australia has about 1,500 hygienists for its population

Worth fighting for: The critical role dental hygienists in the US have in patient care delivery Read More »

Promoting Health and Literacy: UTHSC’s Pediatric Dental Clinics Provide Free Books for Patients

Promoting Health and Literacy: UTHSC’s Pediatric Dental Clinics Provide Free Books for Patients

Dr. Clarice Law Eyre (left) and Kathryn Foster (right), administrative secretary and liaison for the A Book Just for Me program, honor Ella Fitzgerald in front of the books given away through the Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation’s program. When children attend their appointments at the pediatric dental clinics associated with the University of Tennessee Health

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